Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Working in a theatre shift patterns are different for many departments and because the building is so big you might not get to see some of your work friends for days.

So it was good to catch up over a coffee with Jonathan Thompson, Head of Customer Services here. If you are a regular to the Hip you may spot him front of house most nights.

He and his team are working flat out looking after the many thousands of people streaming through the doors to see Sleeping Beauty. He tells me that over the last few weeks he's also looked after some famous celebrities including the astrologer Russell Grant (what's new for Scorpio this year?), singer Tony Christie (is this the way to Amarillo?) and presenter Noel Edmonds, with his agent (could it be he's considering panto this year?).

Jonathan's team have also been busy with two bucket collections this season (arranged via the panto producer). The collections raised £2,000 each for Great Ormond Street and Children In Need, so big thanks to everyone who donated.

He also told me a lovely story about a gentleman who had left his wallet underneath one of our seats in the stalls. "He had obviously left everything in there so we were rather concerned for him. We found his pantomime ticket in the wallet and we were able to get his mobile number from his booking details. We immediately rang him and found out he was in a restaurant at the Mailbox on a first date. So we reunited him with his wallet straightaway and he was able to pay for the meal. (imagine being on a first date and not being able to pay the restaurant bill!).

Jonathan also told me that Giant Chocolate Buttons are the favourite sweet for panto goers this year. (I love them myself but I don't think my waistline could cope with much more sugar this year!).

And finally..... 3D glasses are distributed at every panto performance and are collected in plastic bins after curtain down. So imagine the front of house staff who had to sift through 1,800 pairs after a patron had accidentally dropped her reading glasses into the bin. Patiently they did it and I'm told the lady went home happy that she did not end up having to wear 3D glasses.

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